
The Faust Festival 2011Faust International Ltd.

2011-05-24 ~ 06-19
HK$ 90,70

The Faust Festival is an annual celebration of the Hong Kong's young talent. This year's Festival is bigger and better and features a variety of Shows for all ages. The festival starts on May 24th and runs until June 19th.

This year's festival includes the following productions:

The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Group B1

Mother Goose on the Loose - Group B2

Monkey Puzzle - Group C

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The Adventures of R.J. Pumpernickle / The Black Mamba - Group D1 & D2

Rosaline - Group E

Beauty is a Beast - Group F

Storybook Fame - Group G

Kip Marlowe and the Broadway Caper - Group H

Treasure Island - Group I

Peggy the Pint Sized Pirate - Group J

The Journey of the Little Prince - Group K

Red Goes to Grandma's House - Group L

If Kids Ruled The School - Group M

Commedia Academy - Group N

Just So Stories - Group O

Telling Wilde Tales - Group P

United Nations: A half hour farce - Group Q

Shakespeare's Rose Rebels - Group R

Arabian Nights - Group S

The Three Little Pigs - Group STA

My School Musical - Stage Group

Shockheaded Peter - Group T

Green Eggs & Ham - Group U

Hong Kong Story - Group V

The Prince and the Pauper - Group W

The Wings of the Butterfly - Group X

Snow White - Group Y

Ernie's Incredible Illucinations - GroupZ
