
The Adventures of Tom SawyerBig Box Theatre

2009-12-09 ~ 12-10 , 12-13 | 2:30 pm
2009-12-09 ~ 12-12 | 8 pm
2009-12-11 | 10 am;1 pm
HK$ 220, 180*

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain's insight to the secure and fantastic world of boyhood and adventure. From the famous scenes of the whitewashed fence and the ordeal in the cave to the trial of Injun Joe, the story captures life in the Mississippi River towns in which Twain grew up. This production shows that for both Tom Sawyer and his best comrade, Huckleberry Finn, the world for them is a place to be explored, full of excitement of promise and of the unknown.
