

2015-06-13 ( 8:00 PM )
HKD 240, 180, 120
2015-06-14 ( 8:00 PM )
HKD 220, 160, 120

Gansu is home to twenty-six million people coming from fourteen ethnic minority groups who share the broad expanse of four hundred and fifty thousand square kilometre of land. Among them, the Dongxiang, Yugur and Bonan are indigenous to Gansu. The people of Gansu have created an amazingly rich variety of intangible cultural heritage. From the apsaras of Dunhuang to the martial arts of Kongdong, the masked dance of baiger of the Tibetans, the khoomi horsehead fiddle music and the folk songs of Yugur, the spirit of China’s Western Region shines in them all. In this show, the open-hearted, rustic charm, strength of character, illuminating wisdom, accommodating spirit and humanistic vision of Gansu would take the audience through a time tunnel of many millennia, over snowy highlands, deserts, mountain ranges and the homeland of numerous locals, to long ago and far away.