TheatrePerformanceWorkshopEarly BirdPackage Discount

AFTEC | The Sneaker Show+Real Stage!+Reader’s TheatreThe Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection

"The Sneaker Show" Cast
"The Sneaker Show" Cast
2022-03-05 ~ 03-06 ( 2:30 PM )
From Page to Stage® 2022: The Sneaker Show
2022-03-12 ( 2:30 PM )
Plays for Young People III: Reader’s Theatre
2022-03-19 ( 10:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM )
2022-03-20 ( 10:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM )
Real Stage!

Package Discount:HKD 480*
Original: HKD 480, 240, 210, 160

[Package holder must be aged 10 or above]
From Page to Stage® 2022: The Sneaker Show
5-6/3/2022 (Sat & Sun) 2:30pm
Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
Two boys chasing their passion for sneakers.
Performed in English with bilingual surtitles

Reader’s Theatre
12/3/2022 (Sat) 2:30pm
Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
Extracts from the winning translation of the five plays for young people will entice you into the magic of words.

Real Stage!
19-20/3/2022 (Sat & Sun) 10am-5pm
Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre
Theatre training facilitated by professional native English-speaking tutors. On-stage performance of The Sneaker Show extract supported by professional equipment and technical support.

Production / Artist
"The Sneaker Show" Director & PlaywrightDr Vicki Ooi