
Cuddle Lung Fu ShanLung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre

2022-08-26 ~ 12-15 ( 10:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM )
Wednesday 10:30am to 2:30pm
Closes on Monday
Gallery closed at 1:30pm to 2:00pm for disinfection
Free Admission

Have you heard of Lung Fu Shan? Or have you already been in its welcoming embrace? While it is the smallest country park in Hong Kong, it boasts a very rich biodiversity!

The new regular exhibition of the Centre – Cuddle Lung Fu Shan – is now ready for you! The exhibits ease you into Lung Fu Shan's embrace by introducing you to its “residents” 🦅🐝🦋🌲: animals, plants, rocks … The exhibits are also interactive, allowing all of you to write on the rocks, stick the crochets onto the wall, or simply sit on the hill to rest! Let’s revisit the relationship between you and the hill as you experience with all your senses.

What do you want to tell or to wish for Lung Fu Shan? What do you think the hill wants to say to you? Please join us at the exhibition and start your conversation with the hill!


More Details: https://www.lungfushanexhibition.hku.hk/regular-cuddle-lung-fu-shan?fbclid=IwAR3rbLDvHJDvT44RtEYOgyVJTuDqPY-f5vFFAOPWh0I_Q8cu9I1_kn0OQLI

Production / Artist
CuratorJoanne Cheng, Maoshan(Guest Co-curator)
Exhibition and Visual DesignShanyung
Videography and PhotographyAndrew Lam, Zero Lai Tsz Kwan, Erika Fung
Crochet KnittingBasket of Stuff.
Specimens Exhibit ProductionAngela Chan, Hugo Du
English TranslationJolie Lam
Exhibition ProductionMill-Workshop
*HKU student interns