Visual ArtsCulturalWorkshopFree

【Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival 2023】Join the Artists: Drawing Project with Hong Kong Soil – Clay BallSai Kung Hoi Arts Festival

2024-01-13 ( 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM )
*Session open registration on 13 Dec 10am
Free Registration

Soil is filled beneath the ground we walk on every day, it is low-cost and widely available. With high temperature, soil turns into ceramics, it could become tiles and bricks for our houses, it could also become the finest china on our table. “Drawing project with Hong Kong Soil” sees soil as a paint and a drawing medium. Participants will get to make “clay paint” or “clay crayon” from scratch, co-creating pieces of work from the humblest material that we build our home with.
Without the firing process, dirt could turn into a clay ball by adding water, it can be made into a vase, or a chunky crayon to draw with.

Learn more about the artists and their artwork:


Quota: 12
Target audience: Aged 7 or above
Language: Cantonese

Production / Artist