Visual ArtsExhibitionFreePhotography

Yan-Cheng Chen "I Have Fish" | Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2023Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association Limited

2023-10-12 ~ 11-19 ( 10:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM )
2023-10-12 ~ 11-19 ( 2:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM )
Closed on Mon

‘年年有餘(nián nián yǒu yú)’ is a greeting originated from tradition, where families would prepare a special fish dish at the end-of-year meal but leave a few bites uneaten to signify wishes for an abundant and plentiful year ahead.

@yan_cheng_chen believes that his life was redefined the moment he became a parent. To capture an image is to grasp at fishes in the stream of life and time, all to bless his child with a feast.

Through ‘I Have Fish’, a series of works presented in 3 parts, he steps into his shoes as a father, and journeys forth to explore life’s big topics.


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