Visual ArtsExhibitionFreePhotography

Home (Away From Home) | Hong Kong Interntaional Photo Festival 2023Hong Kong International Photo Festival

2023-10-12 ~ 11-19 ( 11:00 AM ~ 9:00 PM )

How do queer and intimate relationships manifest themselves in different cultures and contexts? What does intimacy mean for each of us? What is a sanctuary or home if not how one feels holding your loved ones' hands? J Davies recreates that feeling in snapshots of life, prompting viewers to reconsider what "home" really means.

‘Home (Away From Home)’ consists of both still and moving imagery. The artist shares life from their point of view, focuses on minute and mundane observations. More than just a documentary and archive, the exhibition is an open hand extended to viewers, to explore the depths of queer intimacy and authenticity.


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Production / Artist