TwoSet Violin is a musical comedy duo consisting of Australian violinists Brett Yang and Eddy Chen (Wei Chen Chen). They are best known for their musical comedy YouTube channel, which has surpassed 4 million subscribers and almost 1.3 billion views as of 2024.
TwoSet Violin is the first classical music-based channel to reach 4 million subscribers. When they hit 2 million subscribers on YouTube, they held a livestream event where Brett Yang played the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. This livestream garnered over 40,000 live viewers – the largest live audience of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in history. When they hit 3 million YouTube subscribers, they held a livestream event where Wei Chen Chen played the Sibelius Violin Concerto. Similarly, the livestream saw over 50,000 live viewers – the largest live audience of the Sibelius Violin Concerto in history. For their 4 million subscribers milestone, the pair made their first professional orchestral debut. Tarisio in New York loaned them two golden-aged Stradivarius violins for the concert – something that is typically only granted to worldclass soloists. TwoSet Violin went on to perform with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra to a full house, with tickets selling out in under 2 minutes.
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