
The Day When We DepartPOINTSMAN

2024-04-05 ~ 04-29
星期一,三至五:1:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM
星期六至日:1:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM

Everyday life is often overlooked and taken for granted by many. Yet, the transience of a modern city morphs daily mundane scenes into unrecognizable forms before anybody notices. Capturing images can be an attempt for an individual to document and remember the visage of landscapes. It is also an intimate process to read a space with one's personal pace and energy, thus expanding spaces in slowness or an intimate space in hurriedness, with unexpected emotion evoked. In the end, cameras have become a guide, taking their operators to depart from daily perspectives - only to find a familiar space turns strange and detached from their comfort.
