Visual ArtsExhibitionFree

POST-MORTEMOsage Gallery

2024-07-06 ~ 08-10 ( 10:30 AM ~ 6:30 PM )
Closed on Sun

The POST-MORTEM exhibition presents recent works by the four participating artists, which consists of videos and mixed-media installations. The idea of this exhibition stems from multiple dialogues and sharing among the artists, with the mutual attempt to search for interstices between their explorations in art. POST-MORTEM uses "ashes" as a metaphor — It is unknown whether the world we live in today has been destroyed by fire as said in Buddhist scriptures, and whether there will be another conflagration. The “World” could only be the entity of worlds that each of us is experiencing at the moment as we try our best to manifest it collectively. Through its manifestation, we occasionally come together under the same shadow of the moon – the nether intertwinement seems to be both illusive and real.


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Production / Artist