
"Nature" Merrill Wagner Solo ExhibitionDavid Zwirner Gallery

2024-05-30 ~ 08-02 ( 11:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM )

David Zwirner is pleased to announce an exhibition by American artist Merrill Wagner at the gallery's Hong Kong location. Showcasing compositions from throughout Wagner's career—executed on a variety of conventional and unconventional supports, ranging from canvas, paper, slate, and stone to plexiglass and steel—Nature brings together a group of works that explore Wagner's ongoing interest in process, chance, and the transformational effects of time. This is Wagner's second solo presentation with the gallery since the announcement of her representation in 2021, and her first in Greater China in nearly fifteen years.

In its emphasis on the materiality and mutability of paint, Wagner's inventive work elides traditional categories of painting, relief, sculpture, and installation. Emerging in the 1960s, at a time when minimalism and postminimalism had superseded abstract expressionism as the dominant aesthetic idioms, Wagner both eschewed and embraced their primary concerns, creating rigorous, hard-edge abstract compositions that subtly referenced landscape.

Among the earliest works in the exhibition, a monochromatic hard-edge painting from 1966 features a large circle delineated with a thin, curving line set against a uniform ground. This composition can be read simultaneously as a study in color and form and also a waning moon, introducing from the outset the coexisting dualities that would come to characterize Wagner's oeuvre.


