
「青苔之上」—劉國夫紙上作品展3812 Gallery

Presented by
2024-09-23 ~ 11-29
星期一至五:11:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM

3812 Gallery is pleased to present "Dusk Upon the Hush: Liu Guofu Works on Paper Exhibition", the artist's first solo exhibition dedicated to his works on paper series with 3812. As an artistic extension from his quintessential oil on canvas oeuvre previously showcased at 3812, "Dusk Upon the Hush" showcases 26 works on paper created between 2016 and 2024, demonstrating Liu's mastery on three varieties of paper works: ink and colour, oil, and oil pastel.

Inspired by a poem by the Chinese Tang dynasty poet Wang Wei (699–759 A.D.), the exhibition title "Dusk upon the Hush" echoes the rhythmic and lyrical interplay of light and shadow in Liu's works, where Liu makes an artistic statement of his appreciation for Chinese art ingenuity and the Asian mastery of using the simplest and most basic medium to achieve profound artistic expression.

Join us on 20 September (Fri) from 6 to 8pm for the Artist Talk and Opening Reception and find the calmness and a peaceful state of mind to expand our understanding amidst the conflicts of our world.



Presented by3812 Gallery
ArtistLiu Guofu
查詢2153 3812