Visual ArtsExhibitionActivityFree

"Before we touch the ground" Solo Exhibition by Coco Ray Hui Man賽馬會創意藝術中心

2024-10-04 ( 6:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM )
2024-10-05 ~ 10-27 ( 11:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM )

The people suspended in mid-air seem to be searching for a place to land, but no one knows for certain if this will truly happen.

Urban life tends to blur our perception of time and space. It’s not because we see the moon that we know it’s late at night, not because we feel raindrops on our faces that we know it’s raining, not because of the paths we’ve walked that we know where we are; the distinction between day and night loses its clarity, our ability to perceive becomes dulled.

The people suspended in mid-air are like everyone else; they yearn for connections—with others, with their surroundings, with the world.

This exhibition delves into the metaphorical concept of "suspension," capturing the state before one's feet touch the ground. It explores the longing for connection.


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Production / Artist
Presenteed byJCCAC
Venue PartnerPMQ