Visual ArtsExhibitionActivityFree

"See and be seen" Grace CY Lam Solo ExhibitionYrellag Gallery

2024-10-01 ~ 10-19
Tuesday to Friday: 1:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM
Closed on public holidays

"See and be seen" encapsulates a fair and reciprocal activity, where the observers themselves become the subjects of observation.

Beyond the mere aesthetics of voyeurism, there exists the aspiration to become the embodiment of beauty in the eyes of others. Throughout the history of art, have not many renowned paintings been subjected to constant criticism? Yet, through the existence of these artworks, they also grant us a glimpse into the nuanced interpretations of artistic styles by humans. While the works are being appreciated, they silently bear witness to the ever-evolving changes of the times.

The fundamental question thus arises: is the definition of beauty and art determined by the observer or the creator?


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Production / Artist