Programme featuring
Oratorial and other sacred vocal & keyboard works including:
Creation by Haydn 選自 海頓《創世記》
In the Beginning 起初
On Thee Each Living Soul Awaits 萬物都仰望你
Requiem by Mozart 選自 莫札特《安魂曲》
Tuba Mirum 號角響徹四方
Recordare 慈悲的耶穌
Messiah by Handel 選自 韓德爾《彌賽亞》
Comfort Ye 安慰我的子民
Rejoice Greatly O Daughter of Zion 要大大喜樂
Rutter 魯特
For the Beauty of the Earth 世界無限美
Runyan/ Raney 魯尼安/雷尼
Great is Thy Faithfulness 祢信實何廣大
Bondaczuk 邦達祖克
Voice of Oceans 海洋之聲
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