
Allure Gypsy Swing with Swing Gitane 【早鳥優惠】Allure Music Salon

2025-03-22 ( 9:00 PM )
HKD 320 ( 正價 )
HKD 280 ( 早鳥優惠 )

Meet Swing Gitane, Hong Kong’s Gypsy Jazz Trio, at Allure on March 22, 2025!

Hailing from the diverse corners of the US, Russia, and Belgium, our minimalist trio embodies the heart and soul of Gypsy Jazz in its most simple expression, truthful to the timeless style of Django Reinhardt. Mesmerizing string melodies, finger-snapping rhythms, and intoxicating blends of French and Eastern European cultural influences, Swing Gitane breathes new life into the vibrant jazz manouche tradition.

Join us at Allure for a musical journey that will transcend borders and eras, traditions and styles, as we weave enchanting tales with every note. Whether you're a seasoned jazz aficionado or a curious newcomer, Swing Gitane Trio promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you craving for more.


- 不設劃位

優惠- 2025-03-22 ( 8:30 PM ) 或之前購票,可享早鳥優惠價 HK 280
- 同一交易內購買4張門票,可享優惠價(HKD 1000)
查詢6281 0823 ( WhatsApp ) / alluremusicsalon@gmail.com