
World of Fantasy: Video Games in ConcertCantabile

2025-06-04 ( 8:00 PM )
HKD 480, 380, 280

Hands up if you have played Super Mario Bros.! Imagine Mario is jumping on a platform running away from enemies and about to hit a block over his head to earn the coin, ( YAY! ) and the background music goes "Darling, so there you are. With that look on your face"… Uh-Oh! That doesn't sound right…

Music has such an instrumental role to play in video games that one might not even realize. The right music brings the characters to life, allows the player to feel the motion and ambience so one could enter and participate seamlessly in this new virtual world, whether to interact with other characters or to engage in different sessions or levels of the game.

If you are looking for an escape from reality or a nostalgia tour, come and immerse yourself in our music selection from Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, Tetris ( Game Boy ), Final Fantasy, Halo, The Legend of Zelda, World of Warcraft, Diablo III, etc. The music is rearranged specifically for this concert so need not say – Get your tickets now – Bing Bang Boom!



優惠4月4日或之前購買正價門票可享7折早鳥優惠 ( $280門票除外 )
4月5日至5月4日購買正價門票可享8折早鳥優惠 ( $280門票除外 )
全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人可獲半價優惠 ( $480門票除外 )

團體購票優惠 ( 5月5日起生效,不適用於$280門票 )
同時購買正價門票5-9張可獲9折優惠; 10-14張可獲8折優惠;15張或以上可獲7折優惠

* 購買每張門票,只可享有上述其中一項購票優惠
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