Visual ArtsExhibitionFree

Hong Kong City Hall 60th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition Imagine beyond ImaginationLeisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong City Hall 60th Anniversary

Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall
2022-05-04 ~ 06-01 ( 10:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM )
Free of charge, online pre-registration is recommended.

With the river of time of the past - present - future
We sojourn the boundlessness
Experience the infiniteness

Voyaging the culture and the arts of the City Hall
We look at the starry sky
Imagine beyond imagination

With the application of projection art, the exhibition retraces the 60 years of development of the City Hall and local arts scene, peeps into the precious moment and revisits the fond memories of the Hong Kong people. Visitors are encouraged to experience the wonder of culture and the arts being blended with technology. During the sojourn of culture and arts development at the City Hall, their imagination about performing arts and the City Hall lingers on.


More Details:


1. Visitors shall comply with the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Chapter 599 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

2. The Presenter will take photos/videos when the Exhibition is open to public for archival/promotional purpose.