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CCCD Arts for Resilience Online Festival 2.0 (May Programmes)Centre For Community Cultural Development (CCCD)

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List of participants
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List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
List of participants
2022-05-01 ~ 05-31

In just a few years, whether in Hong Kong or all over the world, our environment and the way of living have been constantly changing. Under the pandemic, we have been through spatial and emotional isolation, farewell and separation from our dear ones. We are like butterflies trapped in a cocoon, working hard invisibly, struggling or waiting. Through this Festival, let us reconnect again and exchange infinite possibilities and strength, and face the adversity in the future with perseverance and continuous growth.

The Festival is mainly participating in the form of online meetings. We have invited artists from performance art, music, dance, film and theatre, as well as poets to participate, hoping we can reconnect in different ways. Whether it is the connection between body and mind, place and person, time and space.

The Festival will last for 2 months and the events will be announced continuously from April to June. Please pay attention to the event page for updates! Except for the certain screenings and workshops that will be charged, all other events are free, hope every one of you enjoys participation. Donations which are tax deductible are welcome and used to support the future development of CCCD and the participating artists.

>>>>> Workshop <<<<<

1.【 Asia Inclusive Workshop (2) Dance & Movement 】
Date:5/5 (Thur) 11:00am-1:00pm
Facilitators:Danny Pin & Wong Yuk Ming
Fee:Free Pricing Language:English
Deatails:Experience how creative arts, dance and creative movement can connect and strengthen one’s inner self, enhance our mind-body connection as well as managing stress and emotions.

2.【 Asia Inclusive Workshop (3) Theatre 】
Date:18/5 (Wed) 11:00am-1:00pm
Facilitator:Indy Lee
Fee:Free Pricing Language:English
Details: Theatre is the medium to connect people together in a specific time and place. Without the actual encounter, how could the theatre practitioners overcome the difficulties during the pandemic’s situation via online? We will be exploring the application of forms and conventions of theatre together.

3.【與痛共舞】 — 藝術治療 郭欣欣
日期:5月8,15,22,29日及6月5,12,19,26日(日) 10:00am-11:00am
費用:$800 共8堂 名額:15名
內容:介紹神經系統怎樣影響痛感,以舞動治療及體感療癒方式提升參加者對身心的覺察,有效提升副交感神經系统,達至身心放鬆及平衡狀態 (心理因素)。以伸展運動,身心整合及靜觀練習覺察和改善肌肉及筋膜的狀態,減輕身心痛楚(生理因素)。

4.【行為藝術工作坊】 — 藝術與療癒 嚴穎嘉
日期:5月23,30日及6月6,13,20,27日(一) 8:00pm-9:30pm
費用:$900 共6堂 學生優惠 $600 名額:16名

5.【獨.遊 (網上社區文化自傳) 《198幾年一小時.生活圈》】—《獨系2.0》李俊亮
日期:5月9日(一) 2:30pm-4:00pm / 5月15日(日)8:00pm-9:30pm
費用:$100 名額:不限

6.【獨.看 (觀察工作坊) 】—《獨系2.0》 李俊亮
日期:5月21日(六) 10:00am-11:00am 費用:$100 名額:10名

7.【獨.聽 (聆聽工作坊) 】—《獨系2.0》 李俊亮
日期:5月24日(二) 8:30pm-9:30pm 費用:$100 名額:10名

8.【獨.觸 (觸感工作坊) 】—《獨系2.0》李俊亮
日期:6月6日(一) 8:30pm-9:30pm 費用:$100 名額:10名

9.【 YARN Jam 紗激自聊工作坊】— 怪獸
費用:費用:$320 (包藝術材料及材料運輸費)(家庭組合9折)
名額:每節20人/ 組
內容:紗激自聊 Yarn Jam,秉持日本Saori紗鷗麗的創作理念,自由、好奇心、冒險,互動,從亂中找到糾纏的美,期盼大家創作出有自我特色的作品,輕輕點綴鬱鬱的日子,為生命添上難忘的色彩。

10.【 自由紗絨球 Yarn Poi Poi + 轉出美來 Twist of Flaws 工作坊】— 怪獸
費用:費用:$320 (包藝術材料及材料運輸費)(家庭組合9折)
名額:每節20人/ 組
內容:自由紗絨球 Yarn Poi Poi 和 轉出美來Twist of Flaws, 秉持日本Saori紗鷗麗的創作理念,自由、好奇心、冒險,互動,從亂中找到糾纏的美,於混沌的創作中爆發像花火的燦爛。

11.【一對一故事音樂劇場 ONE ON ONE STORY-TELLING MUSIC THEATRE 】 — 楊秉基@好戲量
日期:參加者自定 費用:$1200(Song Only)/$8000(Song+Individual MV)

12.【自選網絡劇場工作坊】— 楊秉基@好戲量
內容:一場疫症令劇場可以隨時在生活中消失;但當劇場遇上網絡,正是一個契機讓劇場挑戰新年代。善用網絡,可以讓THEATRE不受地域限制,走到 EVERYWHERE。

6月6日 論壇劇場網絡工作坊
6月13日 慾望彩虹網絡工作坊
6月20日 創意寫作工作坊
6月27日 劇本創作工作坊
7月4日 展望劇場工作坊
7月11日 形象劇場網絡工作坊
7月18日 一人一故事劇場網絡工作坊
7月25日 報紙劇場網絡工作坊

每節時間為逢星期一2小時半 7:30pm-10:00pm

13.【劇場政治學的四堂課】—— 楊秉基@好戲量
日期:6月7,14,21,28日 (二) 7:30pm-10:00pm
費用:$1200/4節 $450/1節(任意選擇)

7/6 巴西:奧古斯托波亞Augusto Boal
14/6 德國:布萊希特 Bertolt Brecht
21/6 意大利:達里奧福 Dario Fo
28/6 捷克:哈維爾 Vaclav Havel

14. 【《親子正念非暴力溝通戲劇遊樂(網上篇)》】— 胡秀慧
日期: 5月22日(日) 11:00am-12:30pm 費用:$180(一對親子)
內容:「正念非暴力溝通戲劇遊樂」結合Mindfulness + Nonviolent Communication +
Creative Drama,讓孩子與家人以此達致彼此聆聽、彼此連結、彼此好好相愛擁抱!

15.【Mundra Workshop】—— Shamima Sawkett
Date:24/5 (Tue) 8:00pm-9:00pm & 28/5 (Sat) 3:00pm-4:00pm
Fee:$70/1 day $140/2 days Language:English
Detail:In the workshop participants will learn Mundra. About how to use the hands, head and eyes and other parts of the body to express themselves, as well as how to show respect and etiquette to the world, the teachers and the audience during the performance. Participants will also learn about kaharba taal - the sound and beat coordination of Indian subcontinental dance.

16.【重組你個人太空站】—— Crys Cool aka.涼星人&魚就人
日期:5月29日(日) 3:30pm-6:00pm

"Create your own trend, you are in your own land."

>>>>> Film Screening <<<<<

1.【《1+1》《長櫈》《失焦》】 — 賴恩慈
日期:5月6日(五) 8:00pm


一個視點,兩條路線。 場景是香港一個公眾空間,出現不同階層的香港人物,雖互不相干,但卻互相影響;上一代與下一代,過去與未來,是承傳與結合;看見還是看不見,行動與否,是選擇。

2.【《N+N》】 — 賴恩慈
開播日期:5月10日(二) 8:00pm

3.【“Topolino - A Globetrotter's Fairy Tale”】 — Vestandpage
Date:13/5(Fri) 8:00pm-9:00pm
Detail:Topolino is lost, lonesome and nostalgic, on his journey to extraordinary places. In a search for the myths that surround them, he entangles himself in failures and encounters first of all himself and his stereotypes.

This is a silent performance-based film. You are invited to perform your part in it by creating your own soundtrack. You can make live music along the viewing, or create a one-hour playlist from your favourite music to be played along the viewing of the video. Really any music works – enjoy!

4.【《往心處前行》】— 社區音樂電影
日期:5月25日(三) 8:00pm-9:00pm 費用:自由定價

>>>>> Talk/Sharing <<<<<

1.【Thailand Democracy Movement Play-reading “Nowhere Place”】— Tua Pradit Parsartthong
Date:4/5(Wed) 7:30pm-8:30pm Fee:Free Pricing
Language:Thai dialogue with English subtitles & English discussion
Detail: “Nowhere Place” is a play-reading commemorating the 1976 massacre of students fighting for democracy by junta soldiers who invaded the university. Tua Pradit Parsartthong will also discuss the reasons for writing and directing the play, with actual historical footage, feel free to join the discussion.

2.【 The Virtual Award Ceremony of the 1st Hong Kong Deaf Short Film Local and Overseas Competition

Date:7/5(Sat) 8:30pm-9:30pm
Detail:To celebrate and share aesthetics and creativity of Deaf films together with our Deaf films organising committee, overseas Deaf filmmaker and local jury of our short film competition.

3.【疫情下的香港農業】— 吳卓恆&李俊妮
日期:5月11日(三) 8:00pm-9:30pm 費用:自由定價

4. 【一場關於重金屬污染的公共藝術行動】— 重金屬樂隊
日期:5月20日(五) 7:30pm-9:00pm 費用:自由定價

5. 【笑話】 — 黃婷 Ann Huang
日期:5月21日(六) 8:00 pm-9:00pm
費用:自由定價 名額:10人

>>>>> Theatre/Concert/Performance <<<<<

1.【《救贖》】— 影話戲
開播日期:5月7日 - 6月(六) 8:00pm-9:00pm
內容:1988 年,國家英雄羅伯特兒子米高患上白血病,需要合適骨髓移植。羅伯特呼籲國民參與測試,卻徒勞無功。就在米高生命危進入倒數階段,找到一位合適的捐贈者,米高生命出現一線生機,同時亦牽動了一段歷史的傷痕。

2.【The Long Walk】— Pete Moser
Date:12/5(Thur) 6:00pm-7:30pm
Fee:Free Pricing Language:English
Detail:Pete Moser started a project that considered issues around migration, exploitation and resilience. Invated everyone to hear about the journey, listen to the songs, watch the pictures, find your place in that story - where will it end?

3.【STAND UP CONCERT】— 楊秉基@好戲量
日期:5月14日(六) 9:00pm 費用:$180
內容:楊秉基是獨立自主劇團好戲量的藝術總監,自從2015年當選香港十大傑出青年後,衰運不斷,其中包括失去立法會團體投票權,更遺憾的一直不獲康文署批場地演出,以致疫症期間無機會取消演出,更無法參與一而再再而三的退票手續。楊秉基趁在香港暫時仲有地企,所以重金禮聘史無前例意想不到演出組合創作STAND UP CONCERT<齋笑雙計>,若果最終無地企,會參考某些人一走了之的方式離開香港。


4.【論壇劇場《網絡情緣》】 — 楊秉基@好戲量
日期:5月15日(日) 8:30pm 費用:$180

5.【【行為藝術與影像 -《百日談》】
日期:5月21日(六) 3:00pm-6:00pm 費用:自由定價
在這個疫症時代攝影和影像創作成為一個 相應的出口,究竟「影像」為行為藝術帶來什麼衝擊?就是今次《百日談》想探討的題目。

6.【行為藝術與影像 - 正常小孩】
日期:5月28日(六) 3:00pm-6:00pm 費用:自由定價
內容:是次行為藝術活動(28/5)正常小孩請來了四位新晉參加行為藝術的朋友來作一次現場創作,活動將會以ZOOM的形式直播,同場加映黎振寧,杜躍的作品紀錄,還有台灣的原住民瓦旦塢瑪和以色列Tamar Raban的作品錄像呢!

>>>>> 特別加映 <<<<<

日期: 5月12日 - 5月25日 12:00pm-7:00pm(一至日)
開幕導賞: 5月14日(六) 2:30pm-3:00pm

2.【My Artistic Path 1 A selection of art, theatre and performance videos made in Southern China】— Bill Aitchison
Fee:Free Language:English
Detail:Bill Aitchison is a British theatre director and performance artist based in China. He is curator of the Chinese performance platform Last Minute Live Art, holds a practice-based PhD from Goldsmiths College University of London, and is an associate professor in the Liberal Education Center of Xiamen University.

3.【《活到...》自我解讀】 — 陳廷清


More Event Details:

CCCD Facebook:
Arts for Resilience Online Festival 2.0 Facebook Page:

Production / Artist