
Human Rights Day: Screening of “Ja, Andrei Iwanowitsch - Film about a Life”Goethe-Institut Hongkong

2022-12-09 ( 7:30 PM ~ 9:00 PM )
HKD 50

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the Goethe-Institut Hongkong is pleased to organise the screening of "Ja, Andrei Iwanowitsch - Film about a Life", a documentary film by Hannes Farlock.

Director Hannes Farlock will give an introduction and moderate the post-screening talk.

Germany, Belarus / 2018 / 70 mins / colour
In Russian and German with English subtitles
Director: Hannes Farlock

When Andrei was 15 years old he was deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp, he survived and didn't give up even in post-war years when one after the other of his family tragically died. The canny way he masters his everyday life is contrasted with his tough life story.

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