Visual ArtsExhibitionFree

"River Valley of Love" Wang Zhongjie Solo ExhibitionTang Contemporary Art

2023-12-02 ~ 2024-01-16 ( 11:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM )
Closed on Sun and Mon

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis

Life, death, their mutual bond, and the human effort to interpret them are the main recurring themes in the works of Wang Zhongjie. Personal growth, as well as the development of a deeper awareness and an inner freedom by way of great suffering, have forged a language capable of properly expressing the changes undergoing the painter's soul, adapting to his ever-increasing maturity.

The works dating back to the first decade of the century swept us over with their power and innovative qualities; we were struck by the very unusual choices in colors and subjects, utterly different from the mainstream Chinese art world of the time. They were "figurative" paintings, alternating dark tones and strong shades, always juxtaposed in unexpected ways. Those works could not leave one indifferent, able as they were to strike a chord in the viewers' rational as well as emotional sides.

As a self-taught painter, Wang Zhongjie has been able to enjoy greater expressive freedom than his academy-trained peers, his art not being compromised by externally imposed rules and restrictions. An extensive knowledge of art history tied with his extreme sensitivity has driven him to experiment ceaselessly with the endless possibilities of the pictorial medium, processed from an utterly personal perspective that steadfastly ignores any outside pressure.


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