
German Taster Courses ( September )Goethe-Institut Hong Kong

Age groups: Teenagers ( 12-15 Years old )
2024-09-14 ( 10:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM )
Age groups: Adult ( 16 Years old or above )
2024-09-14 ( 11:00 AM ~ 12:00 NN )
Age groups: Children ( 5-7 Years old )
2024-09-14 ( 12:00 NN ~ 1:00 PM )
Age groups: Children ( 8-11 Years old )
2024-09-14 ( 1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM )
HKD 100 *
* Refund upon successful enrolment into any of our German courses in the next 3 months

Discover the world of German language with our German taster courses! If you have no experience in German, we offer you the perfect opportunity to get a glimpse of the language before enrolling in our "Standard German Courses"


- Conducted mainly in German
- Refund upon successful enrolment into any of our German courses in the next 3 months, handling fee incurred during registration would not be refunded.

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