William Lim

Graduated from the Department of Architecture, Cornell University, with a minor in Photography. William Lim specializes in the production of large-scale art installations, and has recently begun to create oil paintings. During his artistic career, he has participated in many international exhibitions including the Hong Kong Victoria Park “Lantern Wonderland”, the Venice Architecture Biennale held in Italy, the Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, and the “Architecture and Heritage: Unearthing Future” exhibition held at the National Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, Korea in 2019. He also had his solo exhibition in July 2021, “A Year of Lost and Found” in Grotto Fine Art, showcasing his feelings in life during the outbreak of COVID.

He also committed to promoting culture and education. He is a member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees, the Gallery Advisory Committee of Asia Society Hong Kong Center, a Arts and Culture Council Member of Asia Society Hong Kong Center and a museum expert adviser to the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department. In 2018, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) awarded him an Honorary Doctor of Arts and Sciences. In 2019, William donated 90 artworks of “Living Collection” to M+, a museum of visual culture in the West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong, in which 70% of the pieces are from Hong Kong local artists.


Source: Touch Gallery

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2024.3.23 - 6.15
Visual Arts
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MultimediaVisual Arts
2022.8.10 - 9.4
Visual Arts