Sound of Passion Round 2 週年音樂會2023
天水圍音樂人管樂團週年音樂會,精選曲目包括:Deep Purple Medley, Disco Party III, "QUEEN" Medley, Santana : A Portrait。
2023-10-21 ( 3:00 PM )
HKD 100
Cancel or R/S 2023.12.23 Music 2023.9.30 - 10.1 MusicMultimedia
《自由維度》是香港口琴家 Cy Leo 何卓彥全新原創現代爵士音樂計劃。Cy Leo 是世界知名口琴家,遊走於不同的音樂類別之間。而《自由維度》,則是受到平行宇宙概念啟發。在平行宇宙的概念𥚃,每一個人在不同的平行空間都有獨特的面向和命運。而 Cy Leo 就是把不同的音樂類型比喻成為不同的「維度」,「自由」則代表爵士音樂。
在《自由維度》的作品𥚃, Cy Leo 以爵士口琴為主軸,加入了一系列不同的音樂元素,例如現代爵士樂、靈魂樂、放克樂、古典樂、電影音樂,甚至粵語流行音樂。這次演出總共會有13位樂手參與,其中包括來自美國的格林美獎提名得主和香港頂尖爵士和跨界音樂人。
2023-10-18 ( 8:00 PM )
HKD 580, 480, 380, 280
大提琴作為最接近人聲的一種樂器,不僅具有獨特的聲音特色,更擁有廣闊的音域。從飽滿的C弦到高亢的A弦,音色多樣、渾厚深沉,可以駕馭各種演奏技巧且可以傳遞各種豐富的音樂情感,讓人產生更強烈的共鳴。 劉君澤、趙子韶、王詠慈、詹程安,四位就讀與德國慕尼黑音樂學院的年輕大提琴家,共同在著名大提琴家楊文信教授門下學習。四人情同手足、互勵互勉,自然而然便萌生起組成一個大提琴四重奏的想法,並且促成了這次在家鄉香港以及臺灣的巡迴音樂會。音樂會的曲目包含各類風格原創和改編給四把大提琴的音樂,希望大家能夠享受這場由大提琴所帶來的饗宴!
賽馬會創意藝術中心 ( 賽馬會黑盒劇場 )
2023-10-9 ( 7:30 PM )
HKD 200
2023-9-30 ( 8:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM )
HKD 250, 180
中文 | ENG
Q: What are the three things that are essential when creating works?
Ben:Time, space and money. But really - curiosity, passion and flexibility.
Q:Where do you usually find inspiration during the process? What are the steps in the process?
Ben:Most of my inspiration comes from my observations of the world around me as well as my reactions to those observations. For this show, I wanted to address my feelings around "the end of the world" - that is, environmental and political decline. What did it really mean to me? How did I feel about it? At the same time, I had a sense of being very cut off from things, especially because I was living by myself. And so this sentiment of "helplessness" came up particularly strongly to tie the two concepts together. Eventually, when I knew I was making a post-apocalyptic piece, I watched a lot of films and read some books that all dealt with the end of the world in some way. Partly this was for inspiration but mainly it was what I like to call "anti-research" - that is, making sure I'm not repeating anything that's already been done!
Ben:When making a show like this, I begin by brainstorming imagery, words, sounds etc that are typically associated with a concept - so in this case it was apocalypse and radio. At the same time, I go through any notes or jokes I've made in the past that relate to what I'm creating. Slowly, I map out a character or characters and a setting, then start writing as loosely as possible - this would include scenes, monologues, actions, and so on. Once this process was done, I found a way to link them all into a sequence or flow. After that, I worked with my director Sandy to fine-tune this loose draft into a version of the script that distilled all of the above into its most essential elements. Finally, we worked on embodiment, blocking, physicality and characterisation. I also did all the sound design myself, something that I do for all of my shows.
Q:In the past, your works have mostly been comedies. Why are you particularly drawn to creating comedies among various genres?
Ben:Comedy is one of the most powerful ways of revealing the truth about something, because it is presented in such an unassuming way. There is a layer of recognition or fundamental assumption about the world that needs to exist in order for something to be believable and therefore funny - and then somehow subverted. Also I love to laugh! So first and foremost I would say it's because comedy is funny. And then the deeper stuff comes in later, if I'm being honest.
Q: As a writer, comedian, podcaster, and blogger, which role do you find most relaxing?
Ben:Probably writing - because it allows me to be introspective and stay with my own thoughts and feelings. There is something very meditative about solo artistic pursuit which you don't get in a public-facing role.
Ben Volchok's snapshot of daily life
Q:Are there any similarities between the protagonist in "The Final Hours Hour" and yourself?
Ben:Many - his desire to be heard, the balance between realism and optimism, a love of silly jokes and always finding ways to make myself laugh. Although I would say I am thankfully no longer as lonely as I was when I was first writing the show!
Q:What aspects of creating "The Final Hours Hour" left a deep impression on you?
Ben:The Final Hours Hour has given me many firsts: it's the first show I've created where there's been a fourth wall, which has been a great acting challenge as I'm not allowed to directly connect with the audience like I have been used to in my past comedy shows; it's the first show where I've really delved into my own emotions a little more, which has been hugely rewarding on a personal level and has added many extra layers to my writing and performing; it's also the first show I've toured interstate and overseas, so it's been quite heartening to share my work with people outside of my home city and still see it received so enthusiastically.
《The Final Hours Hour》photos
Q:You have performed "The Final Hours Hour" three times before and during the pandemic. As the first performance after the pandemic, do you have any thoughts or changes in your performance regarding this play?
Ben:Technically we are still in the pandemic! The onset of the pandemic was a worldwide life-changing event. Most of us had never witnessed death and suffering at such a scale and severity. So in a way that gave us all a taste of "apocalypse". I think as a result people have become a little more aware of what it means to be isolated and craving connection. They've had to find ways to confront their lives being upturned and deal with trauma in their own ways. Overall this has meant that the themes of the show have become a lot more personally resonant and relevant. However, I've not changed anything since I first wrote and performed it in 2019, before the pandemic - it's just gained a new, unfortunate context.
Q:What are your expectations for performing in Hong Kong this year? Will you make any changes to the content based on the local situation?
Ben:I really don't know what to expect! Although I hope there will be air conditioning! I don't know much about Hong Kong audiences, but from the films I've seen that were made in Hong Kong I believe they will have an appetite for exploring complex themes through original formats and unique styles - which is how I would describe The Final Hours Hour. As for making changes, I believe that the show is quite universal in terms of its underlying ideas and emotions, and so anyone should be able to understand it. There's also nothing in the show that makes reference to any real events.
《The Illustrious Fact Show》photo
Q:What directions or new endeavors are you interested in exploring in terms of future creations?
Ben:Recently I have been exploring the world of clowning and physical theatre, so I am hoping to make more shows in that genre of performance. I'm also in the middle of editing a pilot for a webseries called The Illustrious Fact Show, so look out for that later in the year. Additionally, I would really like to write a cookbook in collaboration with my father to showcase our cultural recipes as well as his skill and deep knowledge of cooking. Plus I have been pursuing pottery as a hobby so maybe that will lead to something as well! Always experimenting..
The Final Hours Hour
【HKIAF 2023】
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (Jockey Club Black Box Theatre)
2023-9-15 ~ 9-16 ( 8:00 PM )
2023-9-16 ~ 9-17 ( 3:00 PM )
Flash 樂團成員
盧詠慈 – 視障人士,五年敲擊樂經驗。
李思薇 – 自閉譜系人士,十年木片琴經驗
Voice、Jimmy - Flash 樂團指揮
Rollo - 香港展能藝術會藝術教育經理
Rollo:Flash樂團已成立超過十年,成員包括不同類型的殘疾人士,擅長彈奏耳熟能詳的曲目。每年均會吸納「新血」,招募不同樂手,擦出不同火花。Flash樂團本著一個「進行式」的信念,各團員活在當下,享受每一次的演出。我希望觀眾抱一個輕鬆愉悦的心情,來欣賞每一個Flash樂團的演出,只要來「enjoy the show」便好了。
2023-10-14 ~ 11-30
焦點展覽:「靜水流深」Christiane Pooley個展
Pooley的作品中呈現一種頗具欺騙性的平和之美——夢境般獨自漂浮在水面上的小屋、仿佛懸置着一座倒立的火山、傾瀉而下的瀑布被切開... 美景的背後其實暗藏復雜爭端的陰霾。用抽象碎片營造現實的空間,讓作品成為穿越夢幻世界的媒介。
「靜水流深」Christiane Pooley個展
地點:貝浩登 ( 香港 )
Weaving spaces, 2022 - 2023
Profundidad (Depth),2022 - 2023
To ground myself, 2023
2023.9.15 - 17 Visual ArtsDIY 2023.8.31 - 9.24 Visual Arts 2023.5.24 - 10.2 Visual ArtsDesign 2023.6.9 - 10.8 Visual Arts 2023.9.8 - 12.17 Visual Arts 2022.9.9 - 2023.11.26 Visual ArtsDesign 2023.1.13 - 10.4 Visual ArtsCultural 2023.7.29 - 2024.4.14 Visual ArtsCultural 2023.6.30 - 12.31 Visual Arts 2023.9.7 - 28 Visual ArtsDIY 2023.10.15 - 11.11 DanceDIYCultural 2023.7.8 - 12.10 MusicTheatreFilm 2023.9.22 - 12.9 Education 2023.2.24 - 11.30 Visual ArtsOthers 2023.8.25 - 12.27 Visual Arts 2023.7.14 - 10.25 MultimediaVisual Arts 2023.7.14 - 10.25 MusicVisual Arts 2023.8.25 - 12.27 MultimediaVisual Arts 2023.2.22 - 9.25 Visual ArtsCultural 2023.9.27 - 2024.1.8 Visual ArtsCultural
散步於街頭,城市是一座大博物館!跟著攝影師 Den Lau (IG:@g.c.d___)遊訪觀塘!Den Lau鏡頭下的觀塘,是新舊交替的地方——工業區的繁忙,舊屋邨、小店的恬靜,不再只是「哪裡只塞駿業里」......
A:Den Lau,G.C.D 城市震眼錄版主,本地城市攝影師及平面設計師,在城市生活,很多事物其實都是霎眼之間才發現。街拍瞬間框下的是霎眼一刻,看到微小但有趣的小東西、小角落。有時我會覺得生活也是一樣,很多東西我們霎眼錯過,也可以霎眼遇到,然而我想用快門和平面設計的方式把這些在城市生活中霎眼的一剎記錄下來。
A:雖然香港人對觀塘第一個印象就是:「多人!塞車!」但其實觀塘獨特之是既有重建後新簇簇的建築、工業區有繁忙的一面;也有民居、舊屋邨、小店、可以走到海邊碼頭,同時也有恬靜的一面⋯⋯好像單單在觀塘已經有不同的風景。早前在「城市霎眼錄」的Instagram上載過一條Reel 《往觀塘的窗外風光》就把九龍灣往觀塘沿線新舊建築物交替的景色記錄下來。