Go! Voucher探遊券! 專屬優惠碼使用須知
A. 適用活動類別
1. 專屬優惠碼適用於各項藝術文化活動。

2. 不適用下列活動:
 - 只限18歲以上人士參加之活動
 - 電影
 - 酒和烈酒主題活動
 - 旅遊
 - 按摩
 - 或其他個人健康 / 美容服務
 - 以繳付按金形式報名之活動

3. 適用活動將列於TYoG青年專頁。
B. 專屬優惠碼有效期
1. 專屬優惠碼的使用期為迎新郵件發送日期起計 120 曆日。

2. 所有專屬優惠碼將在優惠碼發行日 120 曆日後 或 2025年01月31日23:59後過期,以較早者為準;任何剩餘未使用款項將作廢。

3. 專屬優惠碼只能用於購買2025年01月31日或之前的節目門票。
C. 其他使用須知
1. 所有專屬優惠碼僅在同一交易內使用。

2. 使用者購票時需使用申請「賽馬會青年共遊系列 “The Year of Go!”」Go! voucher探遊券!時填寫的電子郵件地址,以及由art-mate發出的專屬優惠碼,方可享有優惠。

3. 所有專屬優惠碼只能兌換一次,任何剩餘金額將在一次成功完成的交易後作廢。

4. 部分活動或支付方法需額外收取購票手續費,視乎該活動主辦的設定。購票手續費將計算在優惠劵可使用金額之內。購票手續費將於頁面顯示,請於完成交易前確認。

5. 如果使用者購票時結帳的金額超過優惠劵的金額(港幣400元),需以其他可用的付款方式支付剩餘餘額。

6. 所有專屬優惠碼不可退款、不可轉讓,不可兌換現金或其他有價物品,亦不可出售。

7. 一旦使用專屬優惠碼成功完成交易,購買的門票將無法作任何更改。
D. 因活動取消而導致退款
1. 在活動取消時,art-mate 將在退款完成日後 14 曆日內補發全新專屬優惠碼,使用者可以憑全新專屬優惠碼重新購票。

2. 重發之專屬優惠碼的使用期為發送日期起計 14 曆日內,然優惠碼有效期不會晚於2025年1月31日。

3. 如果情況為部分退款(例如系列活動中的的部分場次被取消),將不設補發專屬優惠碼。

4. 如購票時曾支付超出優惠劵的金額,其款項將退至購票時使用的付款帳戶。
「賽馬會青年共遊系列 “The Year of Go!”」主辦機構及art-mate
( English version )
Note for "Go! Voucher!" Coupon Code
A. Applicable event categories
1. The coupon code is applicable to varied art and cultural events.

2. Events belong to the following categories are not applicable:
 - Event for aged-18-and-above
 - Movie tickets
 - Wine and spirits
 - Travel
 - Massage
 - Other personal health or beauty services
 - Event require registration by paying deposit

3. Available events are listed in the TYoG Youth Page.
 Refer to TYoG Youth Page for event listing.
B. Coupon code valid period
1. Use of coupon code is valid for 120 calendar days since the send out date of welcome email.

2. All coupon codes expire after 120 calendar days from issuance OR 2025-01-31 23:59, whichever is earlier. Any unused amount would be void.

3. The coupon code can only be used to purchase event happens on or before January 31, 2025.
C. Other Note
1. All coupon codes could be used in the same single transaction only.

2. Patrons need to fill in the same email address used when applying for "Go!Voucher!" and the coupon code distributed by art-mate to enjoy the discount when purchasing tickets.

3. All coupon codes could be redeemed for once only and any remaining amount shall be deemed void after one completed transaction.

4. Some events or payment methods may incur additional handling fees, depending on the settings determined by the event presenter. The handling fees will be included in the eligible amount for coupon usage. The handling fees will be displayed on the ticketing page, please check and confirm before completing the transaction.

5. If patron makes a purchase which exceeds the coupon code amount ( HKD 400 ) , the patron shall settle the remaining balance by other payment method available.

6. All coupon codes are non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-exchangeable for cash or other valuable consideration and is not for sale.

7. Once the transaction using the coupon code is completed, no changes can be made on confirmed tickets.
D. Refund cases due to event cancellation
1. Upon event cancellation, art-mate will reissue a brand new coupon code to the patron within 14 calendar dats after the event refund is completed. Patron can use the new coupon code to repurchase tickets.

2. The reissued coupon code will be valid for 14 calendar days from the date of issuance, but no later than January 31, 2025.

3. In case of partial refund ( for example, if session of a series of events are canceled ), there will be no reissuance of coupon code.

4. If the ticket purchase involved payment beyond the coupon code amount, the payment amount would be refunded to the payment account used during the ticket purchase.
In case of any dispute,
the presenter of the Jockey Club “The Year of Go!” Series and
art-mate reserve the final and irrevocable right to make the ultimate decision.