Go! Voucher探遊券! 專屬優惠碼使用指南
1. 進入心儀節目的活動頁,點擊「TYoG專屬優惠碼購票,請按此」。
2. 在彈出框輸入由art-mate分發給你的TYoG專屬優惠碼購,再按確定。
3. 選擇門票及填寫其他資料,及選擇付款方式,再按下一步。
* 請使用登記Go!Voucher!時填寫的電子郵件地址,方可享有優惠。

* 如果使用者購票時結帳的金額超過優惠劵的金額(港幣400元),會以所選擇的付款方式支付餘額;如結帳的金額不超過優惠劵的金額,選擇付款方式後不會另外再收費。
4. 請核實資料後,按確定完成購票。
* 如需支付餘額,將在按確定後前往支付平台完成付款。
5. 購票成功後,你將會收到 art-mate 購票平台發出的確認電郵,如你沒有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到確認電郵,請電郵通知我們。
( English version )
User Guide for "Go! Voucher!" Coupon Code
1. When you enter the event page of your targeted event, click on "Buy with TYoG coupon code, click here".
2. In the pop-up box, enter the TYoG coupon code distributed by art-mate, and then click "Confirm".
3. Select your tickets, fill in the required information, choose your payment method, and then click "Next".
* Please fill in the same email address used when applying for the scheme to enjoy the discount.

* If patron makes a purchase which exceeds the coupon code amount ( HKD 400 ) , the patron shall settle the remaining balance by the chosen payment method; If the purchase does not exceed the value of the coupon, no additional payment will be requested after choosing the payment method.
4. After verifying the information, click "Confirm" to complete the ticket purchase.
* If the purchase exceeds the coupon code amount, you will be redirected to the payment platform to complete the transaction.
5. You will receive a confirmation email when ticket buying procedure is completed. In case you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder or notify us via email.